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6 Tips To Creating the Perfect Wedding Website

Creating a wedding website makes it easier for your friends and family to access everything they need to know about your wedding day. More importantly, this is a great way to express your personality and set the tone with your guests about what their wedding experience is going to be like.

Tip #1 - Welcome message to engage readers right away

Your welcome message should come across as genuine and reflect your personality as a couple. However, if you plan on hosting a formal event, the tone should be set here on your website. For example, instead of "Hey Everyone" which is a more relaxed approach maybe you would say, "Dear beloved friends & family", and vice versa.

Tip #2 - Introduce the wedding party

When we choose members of the wedding party. We select the relationships in our life that we value and want to honor. This is a great way to make your wedding party feel excited and appreciated.

Tip #3 - Make it personal, share your engagement photos

You're in LOVE and you want to flaunt it! You should too. It's not too often when the world stops spinning and the entire universe is going to be all about you. Relish this moment!

Tip #4 - Mix it up, dish the lowdown on your family or guests

Everybody has that family member that you like to give a hard time (adoringly). That uncle that thinks he can dance or that Aunty who thinks she can outcook the caterers. My personal favorite is that one family member that you can't tell about the open bar!

Tip #5 - What, Where, and When

This tip is less exciting but crucial to your wedding. One of the things when planning an event is to consider your guest's comfort. Some people can get anxious when they don't know what to expect or what is expected of them. The best way to do this is to simply spell it out for them.

Here is my last example, (I promise) For regular parties it's standard to bring a gift to the event etiquette states it is rude to show up empty-handed. At weddings, you would not show up with a physical gift on the wedding day. This is an inconvenience for the wedding couple to have to haul the gifts around. So, you can simply state on your website how you would like to receive any gifts.

Tip #6 - Add a FAQ section

I love the FAQ section. This allows you to say what you need to say without sounding too harsh or rude.

Instead of saying "Adult only or No kids" on your invitations. Simply add a FAQ section to your website.

Q: Are kids allowed?

A: Unfortunately, due to limited space we are only able to celebrate with adults, but we are providing childcare services for anyone who may need assistance with childcare.

If you have anything important you need to express the wedding website is a great place to do so. The best part is you can do it your way.


Welcome Message

The Events & Schedule

Share your engagement photos

Travel Info for Out-of-Town Guests

Registry details

Online RSVPs

Contact Information

Dress Code


Optional Wedding Hashtag or Photo sharing app About us/ How we met/ How he proposed Directions to the Venue(s) Introduce the wedding party Downloadable “Travel Picklist or guide”

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